Surplus / Overage Recovery Law Directory

Statutes related to Surplus Funds by State

Any legal information shared within this section is not the final and ultimate act. Statutes may update at any time. We tried our best to keep all the informations updated and properly referanced. We will greately appreciate your participation keeping those informations updated. Just inform us if you encounter anything that is not updated in our directory. 

Information provided in ascending State name order.

Minnesota Surplus Fund Recovery Law

After satisfying the mortgage debt, costs, expenses, any surpluses will be brought to the court for the benefit of the mortgagor or beneficial owner at the time of sale. Claiming those funds will be subject to the order of the court. If those surpluses are not claimed or applied to claim within three month, the judge may put those funds in an interest bearing account for the benefit of owners for further order of court.

Source: 2022 Minnesota Statutes

581.06 Surplus